Chuck E. Cheese i Carolina

Puerto RicoChuck E. Cheese



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Monte Real Plaza Carr. #3 KM 15.2 B.O. Canovanillas al lado de Sam's Club de Los Colobos, Carolina, 00987, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-276-7700
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Latitude: 18.3760194, Longitude: -65.9197988

kommentar 5

  • Chris Vaugh

    Chris Vaugh


    Great for kids and Extra clean

  • Antoinette Colon

    Antoinette Colon


    Great place for kids birthday partys. Grest food and service.

  • Mary Ann Espinosa

    Mary Ann Espinosa


    It was an excellent nephew had a blast....last time I went there was like 8 years ago....the mouse play & dance wiith the kids he was very patient witt them......

  • Diego Muniz

    Diego Muniz


    Service was good, it wasn’t so full so the service was fast and the pizzas were pretty good to. Nice place for the kids to have some fun

  • Myraida Martinez

    Myraida Martinez


    I have been here for 8 years and I have never had problems. The staff is friendly and my daughter always has a great time. Pizza is delicious, my favorite is bacon. There are games for all ages. If there is a problem with a machine such as tokens or tickets, just report them and the employees will help you very kindly. I really recommend it. Children love it and have fun.

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