Clínica Veterinaria Dr. Díaz Umpierre i Bayamón

Puerto RicoClínica Veterinaria Dr. Díaz Umpierre



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Calle Flamboyanes, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-786-4760
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4182397, Longitude: -66.1639414

kommentar 5

  • waleska lopez matos

    waleska lopez matos


    Love the place and customer service!

  • 4 realty group realtor

    4 realty group realtor


    I am a volunteer and part of El Foster Club group. We visit the clinic almost everyday. The facilities are amazing... big , comfortable and very clean.They always receive us happy and unconditionally no matter what...Dr Jorge Díaz Umpierre is an excellent human being and he is always attentive and serious with his job. He reinforces his staff to always be the most productive and professional one as we are always dealing with saving lives. We are very grateful for their service and we will continue to do business with them everyday. We highly recommend this Dr and his clinic... Vivian of El Foster Club

  • Lushana Rosario

    Lushana Rosario


    Great, fast and efficient service. They were great taking care of my puppy, which was hospitalized due to parvo. I am grateful for this team.

  • Simona morogan

    Simona morogan


    I took my little baby cat 5 month to esterilization and was strange for me that didn't t offer a blood lab as in others places. They put me to pay the vaccines even I didn't t ask for. Of course I consider that they know what they are doing as they are enough expensive. They ask nothing just operate the cat even she was under weight . 4 hours later called me and the Doctor Barney say exactly like that : 'The cat is dead". No other introduction or something to prepare you. I said imediatly :" is not possible" and the doctor said so strange:" yes it is possible . Have a heart atack ". Just like that. I stop to speak , speachless, under a big pain. Next day I sent my boy for the kennel and they didn't want to give it to him because they want me to sign a paper that they asked for a blood laboratory and we didn't accept it and pay for the dead body of the cat to be burn. That was not correct. In any moment they asked for that blood test. They killed the Kitty. Never give me back the kennel and let my heart broke for ever.

  • StrongestZard



    I liked how clean and organized the place is, service is relatively quick and they are very gentle with pets.

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