Cold Stone Creamery i Carolina

Puerto RicoCold Stone Creamery



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#2, Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-525-6954
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4571703, Longitude: -66.2838918

kommentar 5

  • Vane Mb

    Vane Mb


    Good service and delicious ice cream

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    Good products but beware that they only open at midday. Pricey. Parking costs $2.25 if not validated.

  • Cory Hicks

    Cory Hicks


    The worst service. Even the sign inside that indicated fun, and good service to every customer did not help these guys. Even other customers made comments on how we were served, yet the guy in charge insisted. Payed $32 for 5 ice creams that took about 45-50 mins to get, not including line time. We have been to many stores across our travels, but that was the last. Recomend you look for another place.

  • Jeana



    The smoothie I had was good, but Cold Stone is a bit pricey. The location also seemed understaffed for being in a busy tourist area, but that is in no way the workers’ faults. The restaurant itself was clean.

  • Scott Clay

    Scott Clay


    Ice cream is very good but bring a lot of money!

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