Colecturía de Bayamón i Bayamón

Puerto RicoColecturía de Bayamón



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 2, 00959, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-786-3305
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3975221, Longitude: -66.1636044

kommentar 5

  • Maria Pabon

    Maria Pabon


    Select 4 stars to open. Nothing works, you would have 0 stars. Nor is it good for making appointments. Not even to enter SURI. No office picks up the phone only the machines answer. Because they do not place the forms so that we can fill them out without problems and if you have to pay something, the cards are used. Do not provide phone numbers that you do not use or staff only to answer calls. Administration and supervision is useless. I hope this is serious.

  • Luis Rivera

    Luis Rivera


    They do not work ..... I've been waiting for months for drinks permission and nobody does anything ... but to fine the worker, they are the first

  • Ruth Evelyn Cedeño-Piñero

    Ruth Evelyn Cedeño-Piñero


    They are very organized and assertive. The physical facilities and location are not the best. The employees do it very well considering this.

  • Dimary Cubero

    Dimary Cubero


    Its close

  • Xiomara Lopez

    Xiomara Lopez


    Without system after being in tremendous stopper to remove the label.

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