Colegio de Plomeros de Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoColegio de Plomeros de Puerto Rico



🕗 åbningstider

450, Avenida José de Diego, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-782-3611
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4115578, Longitude: -66.0889258

kommentar 5

  • Vilma Ortiz

    Vilma Ortiz


    They never returned the call

  • Jorge García

    Jorge García


    Excellent, I explain myself very well Emily.

  • Carmin Rivera

    Carmin Rivera


    They helped me with the information I needed. The person who answered me was very kind.

  • Carmen Ortiz

    Carmen Ortiz


    Mr. Anneuris Duran From the company Popular plumbers Services Inc. He is a cheater. He went to my house to uncover $ 120 then at night the same problem when I call does not answer he is left a message and we did not have to call from my phone to pick him up he tells me that to uncover what I have left is an additional $ 80 . I ask him his name and he says it is Roberto, but an A. Duran appears on the receipt and he tells me that it is from Antonio when I search the internet for his name is Anneuris Duran. Now if I want to know precisely what is the problem that is $ 280 to put a camera in the pipe. Wow if someone is looking for a plumber area bayamon try not to be this company. Better find another company with experience. In fact, if someone knows of a good honest plumber, he can leave me his name and phone. It is assumed that the problem is over or at least leave a guarantee

  • Ana Castro

    Ana Castro


    GOOD serves over the phone

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