CRIM i San Juan

Puerto RicoCRIM



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1, Carretera, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-625-4000
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3628617, Longitude: -66.0847981

kommentar 5

  • Jasmin Noel

    Jasmin Noel


    The service is the worst, the arrogant supervisor and bad people ... It seems that they like to overcharge they do not give solutions, they just want to charge at will. L. I dont know. As in the middle of 2020 they cannot improve their services they are ashamed

  • Vero S

    Vero S


    They didn't explain in a clear manner. Worse experience ever

  • ramon garcia

    ramon garcia


    It has the worse service and the employees could not care less , it seems that they are doing you a favor

  • Isabel C. Balado

    Isabel C. Balado


    Poor the must desorganized agency . Contrary as Carolina municipality that is so organize and customer fast viewer service. In San Juan You have to wait for orientation and numbers for service are not allow after 10:00 am. You have to come at 5:00 am to have an oportunity for get turn numbers on service for you to fill tax property also for organizing actual papers to geverment tax responsabilities are not organized and not good service. Please 2018 must be more accesible for those payments and changin accurate information on real owners. Thats why this govermentt is on bankarupt. Agency like this make me feel shame of what the reason on investment on PR

  • Airangel Berrios-Perez

    Airangel Berrios-Perez


    You have to be in this office early to be able to exit before noon. Once you have your ticket for appointment you just sit and wait.

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