Crocs i San Juan

Puerto RicoCrocs



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525, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-294-4224
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4220743, Longitude: -66.0742342

kommentar 5

  • Rebecca Salinas

    Rebecca Salinas


    Karla the *manager* got violent with me over a shoe return she states the policy is no full refund only exchange for clearance women and children I purchased men shoes for 59.00 and refused to return my money meanwhile crocs com policy states a full refund is given if it has not be worn washed or used for 45 days with receipt which I had a new pair of crocs unworn and receipt she got very violent with me called security on me and yelled in my face and threw my shoes at me and demanded I leave the store no refund no explanation other than she is right I’m wrong you can’t get a refund you Only choose from clearance section o women’s and children that is her store policy she will be reported to headquárters ASAP for being rude nasty and violent over a simple return to the owners of this store shame on you

  • Juan Rivera

    Juan Rivera


    Super...beautiful treat and good practices

  • Daisy Negretti

    Daisy Negretti


    Good experience, the young lady that took care of me was very amigable and knows what she's doing.

  • Bryce Bussert

    Bryce Bussert


    Great store! Was very surprised at the large selection of Crocs for men, women and children. They had many Crocs besides the flagship, including slides, platforms, water shoes and dressier options. Tons of pins and other accessories for your Crocs including Crocs shine and even socks. Tye-dye, patterns, all types of colors, different accents and some with fonts what a great selection. Very helpful bilingual staff and a bright uplifting storefront and atmosphere. You could easily find Crocs for the whole family here!

  • Beatriz Acevedo

    Beatriz Acevedo


    Excellent store and excellent customer service

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