Crunch - Carolina i Carolina

Puerto RicoCrunch - Carolina



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Parque Escorial Boulevard de la Media Luna, Carolina, 00985, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-762-3024
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3939923, Longitude: -66.0004333

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Quinones

    Daniel Quinones


    Decent gym, most of the time is too crowded. Can't work out properly because people want to get you out of the machines too quick.

  • es

    Ramon Ocasio


    El mejor gym de PR. Pena que solo haya uno en área metro si expanden se fastidia Planet Fitness.

  • Emma Rodriguez

    Emma Rodriguez


    Great! Because my accident with the distal fracture in my hand I start using some of those machines and is great. I'm starting to recover my normal strength and movements. I still have a big tummy but I just have week there hahaha. But I'm glad my hand is really getting better.

  • es

    Vilmarie Cotto


    Un gimnasio con un ambiente profesional, buema calidad y servicio. Todas las maquinas modernas. Tienen tremenda organizacion. Precios razonables para el mes y para tener training personal.

  • Samuel F Gonzalez Rivera

    Samuel F Gonzalez Rivera


    I have been going to this gym since they opened few years back. They are a great gym with three floors. I mainly stick to the free weights section on the first floor, but the have a machine section, cardio section, crossfit-like section with boxing bags, open area section, babysitting section, spinning section, plenty parking, spacious bathrooms with lockers and baths (all very clean), and overall great service by it's employees and coaches. Owner is a great guy as well. They have a gym in Ponce with shared membership as well as other location in US. Definitely recommended! Also, surprisingly cheap monthly membership.

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