CVS Pharmacy y más i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoCVS Pharmacy y más



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Mandagåben 24 timer
Tirsdagåben 24 timer
Lørdagåben 24 timer
Søndagåben 24 timer
Pueblo Viejo, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, Guaynabo, 00968, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-792-0780
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4029326, Longitude: -66.1181828

kommentar 5

  • William Molina

    William Molina


    Very friendly staff.

  • L Z

    L Z


    Ain’t no cvs here

  • Migdalia Medina

    Migdalia Medina


    I love this CVS, the treatment is excellent especially in the staff at night.

  • Miguel Sanchez

    Miguel Sanchez


    Stupid Puerto Rico.....there's no CVS at this location....waste of time like everything else in this Island

  • Charles xConroy

    Charles xConroy


    Dropped off Rx. They took copy of driver's license, because my address in doctors hand writing was considered illedgible. Upon my returned 2 hours later. Rx was still not filled because they couldn't verify telephone number?!? I was then told to sit down and wait another 20 minutes.. no apology, no effort to expedite Rx....then 30 minutes later I am told, sorry we don't have enough of the medication to fill your prescription...2 hour 30 minutes later, I'm leaving with 10 of 60 pills of Rx filled and a promise that the other 50 pills should be ready for pickup in the next 2 weeks.... I'll update review in 2 weeks...stay tuned.

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