Dental Esthetic Solutions Puerto Rico Dr. Richard Canizares , Dra. Marlene Rivera i San Juan

Puerto RicoDental Esthetic Solutions Puerto Rico Dr. Richard Canizares , Dra. Marlene Rivera



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Clinica Americas 400 East Roosevelt Street #508 1917 PR, Hato Rey Central, San Juan 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-777-1163
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4187866, Longitude: -66.0677718

kommentar 5

  • Dagmar López

    Dagmar López


    Awesome, In love with my new smile!!!! So worth it! Thank you so much!

  • Gian Luis Betancourt

    Gian Luis Betancourt


    Excellent service, friendly staff and the best doctors! Fully recommended!

  • Ivan Betancourt

    Ivan Betancourt


    Excellent Service from the Staff and specially from Dr. Cañizares & Dr. Rivera. They have the best technology I'll have ever seen in a dental office. Totally recommend their services!!!!!

  • Chelsea Mason

    Chelsea Mason


    Dr. Rivera is an exceptional dentist with an outstanding staff. She is a highly trained Invisalign provider, extremely gentle and kind. I recommend Dr. Rivera to my close family and friends. Thank you!

  • David Cortes

    David Cortes


    This phenomenal dental team has been working with my hole family since 2 years ago. During the treatments we had a great experience and results. I higlly recommended

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