Department of Finance i San Juan

Puerto RicoDepartment of Finance



🕗 åbningstider

10, Paseo Covadonga, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-2020
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.465119, Longitude: -66.1095848

kommentar 5

  • Joel Pou

    Joel Pou


    No humans available only pre-recorded messages, been waiting almost 1hr and a half. Can't never reach them, literally. This service is horrible and a waste of tax payer's money.

  • Jahmari Martin

    Jahmari Martin


    If I could give this place one star I would. So I’ve been been here since Friday at 1pm EST 02 JULY 21. I got everything I needed for the VPC but the Hacienda stated they could t open any of the documents that the VPC provided to them (which honestly is a personal problem for them). So I went today (06 JULY 21) made it at 3:39pm. The security guard stop me and pretty told me to state my business… What else you think I’m here for dude. We really didn’t understand each other because he spoke little to no English and it was vice versa for me. Prior to me arriving there two hours before that I called twice and they hung up in my face twice after I asked for someone who spoke english. The PCS process for military service members and VPC/Hacienda is the most difficult for no dam reason and if you don’t speak Spanish you better learn or bring someone with you.

  • Israel Martinez

    Israel Martinez


    Two days trying to get in contact and nobody answers really bad service

  • Venus Ginés

    Venus Ginés


    Tried to call 5 times, requesting English only to be "disconnected' - the Exemption forms are not in English and therefore we just wanted to get clarification on key questions. After 35 min on the phone, a rep who spoke only Spanish answered only to say she would be right back and then click. Very frustrating. I love PR but somehow the government needs to provide accessibility for all.

  • Michelle Ocasio

    Michelle Ocasio


    Worst customer service! Ppl are rude, put you on hold without saying anything. They act like they are doing you a favor.

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