Domino's Pizza i San Juan

Puerto RicoDomino's Pizza



🕗 åbningstider

387, Calle San Claudio, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-748-0011
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3788717, Longitude: -66.0512568

kommentar 5

  • Beth Linares

    Beth Linares


    Can't even order because they left me on hold for an hour and I tried re calling them immediately picked up the phone and put me on hold.

  • Eric Bou

    Eric Bou


    I love the sandwiches.

  • Jackie Marcano

    Jackie Marcano


    Love the way they prep the food. Great employees, always do a lot.

  • Cris Del Valle

    Cris Del Valle


    There you ask for a specific combo offer advertised on the flyers, and when you pay, they charge a higher price. Then if you complain to the cashier, they say there is an extra charge for whatever reason. But it is not written not even in small letters as is usual in other places.

  • Alondra Suris

    Alondra Suris


    They were really nice on the phone and in person. They even helped me out how to get directions. They called me when my pizza was ready on the phone as well. Pizza was good.

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