dorado puerto rico oceanfront vacation rentals i Dorado

Puerto Ricodorado puerto rico oceanfront vacation rentals


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113, Calle Kennedy, 00646, Dorado, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 586-977-8232
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4770833, Longitude: -66.2607487

kommentar 5

  • Luis Rivera

    Luis Rivera


    West wing of house has a 10 year old unfinished construction project with mold growing over it. The owner has also uploaded photos of beaches no where near the property. Do not be misled.

  • Maria Gerena

    Maria Gerena


    The house has a huge unfinished base of cynder blocks with mold growing over it.

  • en

    Rico C


    The view is amazing. You are right on the water. You can lounge outside and listen to the ocean. There are plenty of rooms. We had 12 guys and everyone had somewhere to sleep. Each room had air conditioning, so you are always sleeping comfortably. The house comes with 3 units. So if you want some people separate, you can give them a specific unit. The kitchen has all the pots and pans you would need to have a feast. You are near a Costco, so you can stock up on food. The only problem is you are no where near the night life. So you will have to drive to go out. It is about 30 minutes to main area. So you would want to rent a car. Getting an Uber at night at the house was very difficult.

  • Pinky Rose

    Pinky Rose


    Beautiful place. I stayed there in February2016 on the first floor and was fabulous for us. My family liked it also. My son didn't like that we had to drive to most places. Other than that. Diana was very nice and went beyond to make sure we were happy.. It was a good place to relax. :) and those views... Couldn't get enough. .visited el onto del buey which is a beautiful place you can hike and meditat. Met some of the neighbor and they were.very nice. I would definitely go again.

  • Vincent Palazzolo

    Vincent Palazzolo


    Jessica V. must be mentally incapacitated. I have stayed at this property more than once. It is delightful. 99% of the "HATEFUL" things Jessica mentions are inaccurate, inappropriate, not warranted, and "ABSOLUTELY" false. If you are thinking of staying here, you will love it. Everything Diana, the property owner, says about her vacation rental are spot on. Look at all the fabulous reviews she has. That should tell you something!

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