Dulcesitos i Caguas

Puerto RicoDulcesitos



🕗 åbningstider

G32, Avenida Pino, 00725, Caguas, Cañaboncito, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-379-9649
internet side: www.facebook.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2188932, Longitude: -66.0437627

kommentar 5

  • Xiomayra Claudio

    Xiomayra Claudio


  • Jose Snow

    Jose Snow



  • Marlix Moyett

    Marlix Moyett


    Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in this place. The employee is not to blame, rather the incompetent manager to whom the order is sent pays full for the cake with the specific colors and does not mind ruining a child's birthday by offering a refund of the order that I DO NOT PROCESS. IS AN INCOMPETENT. The cakes are tasty but if you are going to make a special order be prepared so that they are not fulfilled even if you leave the order, it is cleared a week and a half before the event.

  • Marah Rivera

    Marah Rivera


    I love the desserts from here

  • Yanina Castro

    Yanina Castro


    The taste is exquisite. I loved!!! I want my birthday cake of sweets.

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