Effy Jewelry - San Juan Puerto Rico - 33 i San Juan

Puerto RicoEffy Jewelry - San Juan Puerto Rico - 33



🕗 åbningstider

252, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-331-1157
internet side: www.effyjewelry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.465117, Longitude: -66.1150559

kommentar 5

  • Simon Drury

    Simon Drury


    This jeweler is so friendly and helpful. Unusual jewelry at very reasonable prices. We had bought some pieces from another Effy store and this one agreed, without hesitation, to adjust some pieces, at no charge. You cannot beat that!

  • Jackie Rocci

    Jackie Rocci


    Shane was awesome my husband bought me a beautiful tanzanite bracelet. We had so much of fun joking with Shane.

  • Karman Rose

    Karman Rose


    Bought this for my husband and feel we got a great deal! Thank you Tess and Carnival Breeze for the opportunity to find just what we were looking for!

  • Lachelle Cruickshank

    Lachelle Cruickshank


    Such a nice experience at this Effy store. April Fox was so nice and helped me pick out a beautiful pair of diamond studs. I wanted it changed to rose gold They accommodated my request and even dropped off the earrings the next day to my hotel. I highly recommend shopping at this Effy store. You won't regret it.

  • Michael Martucci

    Michael Martucci


    The team at Effy Jewelers in Old San Juan has been just great so far. They have the most beautiful jewelry in Old San Juan and the friendliest staff. I purchased my wedding band here. I saw it several weeks ago and it was always in my mind no matter where I went to look. When I found out they offered financing through Synchrony, I was sold! They even offered to accept a discount that was being offered on their website! 100% recommend over the other jewelers in the area!

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