El Churry i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Churry



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Monacillo Urbano, San Juan, 00927, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-525-2552
internet side: www.elchurry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3689275, Longitude: -66.0767823

kommentar 5

  • Warren P

    Warren P


    Mixto...nuff said

  • Frank Pizarro

    Frank Pizarro


    Food trucks have quickly become a "thing" in the U.S. And undoubtedly, great things have emerged from said "thing". In Puerto Rico however, food trucks have always been a "thing", and the American public got to get a taste of just how good that "thing" can be thanks to Adam Richman and his show Man vs. Food. Although he came to take on the famous "Sleeping Cow" challenge at the famous Vaca Brava, it was his small stint at food truck El Churry that, in my opinion, stole the show. And rightly so. The flavors that the fellows at El Churry have coaxed out of the simple staple that is the sandwich are quite remarkable. And trust me, this is as simple as it gets. You pick between chicken or skirt steak and decide whether you want cheese or not. Any choice you make out of those will be the right one I assure you, but if you really want to taste the full extent of El Churry's powers, you need to go for a "mixto": a combination of both the chicken and steak that, along with some cheese and the order of bacon I tell you that you must order, will make you wonder why you haven't traveled to Puerto Rico sooner to eat here and will probably have you planning your next visit as you eat.

  • Jorge Rivera-Surillo

    Jorge Rivera-Surillo


    The establishment that made "la tripleta" famous for thise crazy late AM munchies... Great sandwiches and service!

  • Ana Cely Robles

    Ana Cely Robles


    Oh Dear Lord, those sandwiches are a piece of heaven in your mouth! The price is under $10. EL Churry is a food truck offer taken to the next level.

  • Travis Elijah

    Travis Elijah


    El Churry lives up to it's reputation. After seeing this place on Man vs. Food, I had been trying to get to this place for a year and a half. Be sure to ask for everything on it including bacon and cheese. I had the wrap, but the sandwich version was just as good, if not better. It's best when eaten after getting filled up at the two bars next door to it attached to the gas station.

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