El Local en Santurce i San Juan

Puerto RicoEl Local en Santurce



🕗 åbningstider

1425, Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos, 00907, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1-787
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 18.445364, Longitude: -66.070768

kommentar 5

  • en

    Gabriel Lopez


    Different/ grunge / hole in the wall. Unique atmosphere is complemented by extremely helpful and friendly unfortunately points deducted for a bit of a hipster vibe which the tracks from the original purpose of it being a bar for locals

  • Wanda Sidalge Castillo

    Wanda Sidalge Castillo


    If you're not looking to go for fancy clubs and more of a chill, student ans random hangout. This is your place. They have many couches. They have. Tekken arcade machine. They do karaoke and lots of comfortable spots for you if you just want to sit with your squad and drink and talk.

  • Carrie Kargel

    Carrie Kargel


    I love karaoke in general, but at this place even more so! The variety of music chosen each night is unique and the songs are often from my favorite genres. Alternative, rock and roll, gothic, 80’s, 90’s, rockabilly, folk, Puerto Rican salsa, and more. The only thing keeping me from offering 5 stars is my regret that there were no organic drink options. In the other hand, the drinks were fairly cheap, the decorations are a fun to check out, and I always meet fascinating people! :)

  • angel luis gonzalez

    angel luis gonzalez


    Absolutely love it. Its a dark place with a nice bar with cheap drinks and beers, a very nice air conditioned kareoke area, nice couches you can sit and chill, free game machine and very cool decorations. All inside of what looks like and old house.

  • Antonio Hernández

    Antonio Hernández


    El mejor spot para un jangueo bien chill con panas. Siempre hay algo que mirar, algo que hacer, algo para escuchar. Siempre tienen eventos posteados en Facebook así que vayan a su página para que estén al día.

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