El Rancho i Corozal

Puerto RicoEl Rancho



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 164, 00783, Corozal, Palmarejo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-859-2609
internet side: www.elranchocorozal.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3191653, Longitude: -66.2925061

kommentar 5

  • Edwin Maldonado

    Edwin Maldonado


    Good Spanish food

  • Irene Torres

    Irene Torres


    Nice place to enjoy with family in the pools and prices are cheap.

  • Miguel Antonio Maldonado

    Miguel Antonio Maldonado


    Some of the attractions were closed, the main swimming was crowded, the structures needed paint and be fixed, the head clearance on some areas were too low for tall people, the water in the pools (kids and adults) were not clean and clear. Service was good and fast. The food was good and tasty.

  • en

    Magdalena Hernandez


    Excellent place at the mountains. A nice place to be with your family. A great place for anyone to play basketball and volleyball. The food was delicious and economical like rice and beans with turkey starting at $5.95

  • en

    Robert Rivera


    Very good place to spend with fam n friends Very take your swiming out fit

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