Escuela Hotelera de San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoEscuela Hotelera de San Juan



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229, Calle Guayama, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-759-7599
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4167901, Longitude: -66.046044

kommentar 5

  • Derek Tosado

    Derek Tosado


    I loved

  • Martin Cerame Colón

    Martin Cerame Colón


    The Saturday International Cooking Course is not designed for people with little cooking experience, contrary to what I was told at registration. There is no teaching methodology that covers technical fundamentals such as the handling of utensils, which ones to use for what functions, how to clean meat, bone poultry, make different cuts, etc. All of this is covered very superficially. The instructor hands out a recipe book, talks briefly about each dish to be prepared that day and that's it. Have the students divide into groups of 4, divide the tasks among themselves and make the recipes as they can while he waits for someone to approach him with a question. Disappointing experience. It is not worth what the course costs. A one-year Master Class subscription is much cheaper and teaches so much more. What a pity.

  • Maria Vargas

    Maria Vargas


    I am planning to enter I have heard very good information about this school

  • Jesus Maldonado

    Jesus Maldonado


    Excellent location parking study cooking and pastry ....

  • Juan Rios

    Juan Rios


    I studied the pastry and baking program at this school and was not able to finish due to personal problems. I was disappointed with the schools policies and lack of compassion when it came to dealing and resolving student obstacles. As far as the program and curriculum, it was basically open a book and do the recipes. I was not pleased since baking has a lot of "science" behind it and this was not thoroughly discussed. It seemed to me that this school was more about "cranking" out volume of students than concentrating on quality. As far as I'm was a waste of my time.

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