Escuela Superior Vocacional República de Costa Rica i Caguas

Puerto RicoEscuela Superior Vocacional República de Costa Rica


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Calle Hector R. Bunker, 00725, Caguas, Caguas, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.2359017, Longitude: -66.0279238

kommentar 5

  • Graciela Bonilla

    Graciela Bonilla


    Yo no se como los adultos se atreven a hablar de que la juventud está mal si los educadores son los primeros que no respetan

  • Daniel Rodriguez

    Daniel Rodriguez


  • Kiraro The Kitsune

    Kiraro The Kitsune


    It's a good school but the lack of student parking space for a school with so many students is a bit disturbing. You wither need to be dropped off or go by bus. If you have your own car you'll need to be lucky and find space because it might be taken by teachers which have their parking inside the school.

  • victor ayala

    victor ayala


    Excelente escuela variedad de cursos vocacionales

  • Pablo Alexis

    Pablo Alexis


    I studied here. Student quality is awesome, I never saw any fight between students. I highly recommend this High School.

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