EST Hardware i Bayamón

Puerto RicoEST Hardware



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63, Puerto Rico 174, 00956, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-787-1808
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3814282, Longitude: -66.1408831

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Vivas

    Francisco Vivas


    Pleasant place to be. Exceptionally attended. Mr Oswaldo Cruz knows his trade and is a gifted young man.

  • George Mendez

    George Mendez


    Not much variety - quite dissapointing...

  • César Cordero

    César Cordero


    Finest kitchens and bathrooms. All high quality. Best brands. Complete showroom. Professional assistance and performance.

  • Eva Perez

    Eva Perez


    My friend Santa Ramos and I went to take a water motor for repairs Jan 31, 2019. We live in Isabela. That's a normal 2 hours ride. With all the traffic and repairs being done; 3 and half. And the fact we never been there. Our GPS weren't working correctly. I want to thank the young lady Cristina Miranda. She helped us arrived at the store. She took time and patience, to get us there. She stood on the phone line with us for 15 minutes. A service that we appreciate. Ever since Hurricane Maria, so many traffic and Street signs are gone. Once again thank you Miss Cristina Miranda and God bless. Today we pick up the motor. Arrived to the place. And Cristina was waiting for our call just in case we got lost. Service wonderful.

  • Alex Passini

    Alex Passini


    This company is great to work with. I was very impressed with their attention to detail with water treatment products and rainwater harvesting kits.

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