Estación de Bomberos Río Piedras i San Juan

Puerto RicoEstación de Bomberos Río Piedras



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62, Calle Tizol, 00925, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-754-2331
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3959021, Longitude: -66.0510794

kommentar 1

  • Emmanuel Reyes

    Emmanuel Reyes


    Yesterday I visited the fire station to have my car seat adjusted and certified and they told me that I had to go from 3-5pm. I came back at 3 and there were like 4 people before me. I waited for them to attend to them and by my luck when it was my turn the head of the station told me to go later because they had an emergency and he left without providing phones, time to return or if someone could help me in any other station, they just left like I was nothing standing there. I came back at 5pm and they hadn't come back, I went to eat and came back around six and it was around this time that I realized that these good-for-nothing made me lose my day off waiting for them so that they wouldn't treat me and treat me like garbage. Shame should give them the fact that they charge based on our salary and treat the public as if they were the last host. I hope they did not treat the emergency as badly as they treated me.

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