Farmacia Rey #2- Señorial i San Juan

Puerto RicoFarmacia Rey #2- Señorial



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Avenida Winston Churchill, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-296-1616
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3695157, Longitude: -66.0667542

kommentar 5

  • Zulma Salas

    Zulma Salas


    Excellent service in the store and pharmacy, but most of the time they do not answer the phone.

  • Mary Batista

    Mary Batista


    Service in the pharmacy area is AWFUL !!! I do not recommend it!!!

  • Madeline Rios

    Madeline Rios


    well stocked pharmacy,nice people.

  • Martha Mundo

    Martha Mundo


    You can find beauty , sports, school, food, perfume, electronic every kind of medicine, the place is clean presentable up to date. Employees are helpful. what more can you ask.

  • Bram 213

    Bram 213


    I went to the King's Pharmacy in the Manor, I went to collect the medicines from a family member, they told me that one of the medicines had not been there, at the time of picking them up, I asked him if my family member had been notified. procedure is done in the delivery, that if I leave the prescription early and other clients come, it loses the opportunity to receive the medication ..... I indicated that the prescription was delivered 30 minutes ago, then indicating that if I had been notified .. ... I indicate that I will speak to a family member to let him know if I send for medication and I go back and take a seat inside the pharmacy, the employee did not realize that he was still inside and started to mock and make comments out of place, as if he had been gross. It was really just a question and completely valid since I was not the person who initially delivered the recipe ... they made me feel very bad I definitely do not recommend them to anyone for this bad experience 😕

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