Ferretería Willie i San Juan

Puerto RicoFerretería Willie



🕗 åbningstider

2050, Calle Loíza, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-726-5768
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4501077, Longitude: -66.0527115

kommentar 5

  • es

    Angel Diaz


    Personas muy agradables atienden y tienen una gran variedad de artículos

  • en

    Jarad Robinson


    Small, family owned hardware shop on Calle Louiza. They have every thing you need for home repair, including tools. Bilingual, and very pleasant employees. Please Don’t expect it to be like Home Depot (selection) but if your close and need a material or tool quickly & conveniently, this is the place to go! Example: I recently moved to Ocean Park, PR. I bought an Old motorcycle to repair as a hobby. This hardware store is one block from my home, and I visit it every few days for small odd & end parts to repair my motorcycle. They are always happy to see me, happy to help me meet my needs, and if they don’t have the item I need then they are happy to direct me where to go to find it.

  • Victor Ponce

    Victor Ponce


    Es una ferretería que no tiene todos los producto que nececitas. El espacio dentro del lugar muy limitado.

  • Richard Harrigan

    Richard Harrigan


    Always helpful. Small place but they have everything you need.

  • Property Manager - Puerto Rico Rentals

    Property Manager - Puerto Rico Rentals


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