FirstBank i Dorado

Puerto RicoFirstBank



🕗 åbningstider

Mahi Mahi Shopping Village Carr. #693, Km. 7.5, Dorado, 00646, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-278-1111
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4639164, Longitude: -66.2729306

kommentar 5

  • Kurtis Lopez Sr.

    Kurtis Lopez Sr.


    called to get info on safe deposit box, the person did not know what the monthly charge was, and if there where any available, put me on hold to get info, left me on the phone for over 10 minutes, unreal!!

  • Crypted Uber

    Crypted Uber


    No banker to sit down with, have to have stuff done standing with front assistant, no one that speaks english, lady was on the phone with a friend while doing my stuff instead of giving me her full attention.

  • Paola Marrero

    Paola Marrero


    Poor service

  • Fernando G Martinez

    Fernando G Martinez


    This office is nice, but the service is terrible! They just tell you to sit down and wait and someone will be with you. No estimate time to see somebody !!! - it looks like they only have 4 people in 7 offices and only 2 of them are with customers. Not sure I do want to open my account now.

  • Michael Castro

    Michael Castro


    Great service

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