Floristeria Toque de Amor, Caguas i Gurabo

Puerto RicoFloristeria Toque de Amor, Caguas



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Road 931 km 5.6 Gurabo Bo, Gurabo 00778, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-744-2288
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2320449, Longitude: -65.9995994

kommentar 5

  • Rafael J Jiménez

    Rafael J Jiménez


    Excellent service. Beautiful arrangements and they give the extra mile when it comes to delivery. My mother had her birthday today and I decided to gift her a Toque de Amor arrangement. I have to be honest I called almost 2pm. They accepted the order for same day delivery. When they went to deliver I told them that my mother was not at home. This is where they went the extra mile. They call me to tell me that there was no one in the house. I told them that they were in a restaurant near the house. They, without me asking, told me. No problem, we deliver it to the restaurant. At last they arrived and my mother almost had a heart attack when she saw the beautiful arrangement and delivered to the restaurant. I give you 5 stars because there are no 10. Thank you for making this day a special one for my mother.

  • Carlos Ruiz

    Carlos Ruiz


    Excellent service. It exceeded my expectations by far. A very responsible and professional job. The arrangement I asked for was impressive. I recommend them with a closed eye.

  • Olga Hernandez

    Olga Hernandez


    Great, all the way!

  • Modesto Ramos

    Modesto Ramos


    Outstanding service

  • Misael Amador

    Misael Amador


    Beautiful Floars

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