Freddy Burgos/Luthier/coquicuatro i Caguas

Puerto RicoFreddy Burgos/Luthier/coquicuatro


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PMB 495, HC 01 Box 29030, Caguas, PR 00725, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-731-1362
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.291868, Longitude: -66.113137

kommentar 5

  • Victor Nieves Guzman

    Victor Nieves Guzman


    The best craftsman and cuatrista.

  • Román



    High quality instruments from one the top Luthiers in Puerto Rico.

  • Luiggi Perez

    Luiggi Perez


    Freddy Burgos is a sensational luthier! Your ability to create a custom instrument is unparalleled. In addition to building aesthetically impeccable instruments, their instruments have a perfect tuning in addition to a spectacular sound. Freddy is an accessible, responsible and perfectionist person, his desire is to create an instrument of the highest quality and that the client is satisfied with the final product.

  • Jose N Colon

    Jose N Colon


    That good

  • Angel Luis

    Angel Luis


    Getting to the workshop was not easy. There was only one four available for purchase which was not what I was looking for. I sent several emails after the visit and they were never answered.

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