Funeraria Alternative & Torres Memorial i Bayamón

Puerto RicoFuneraria Alternative & Torres Memorial



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B13, Avenida Flamingo, 00957, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-221-2367
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.372817, Longitude: -66.1799808

kommentar 5

  • nora roman

    nora roman


    Excellent service and good attention !! We appreciate everything you did for our family despite being under this covid-19 pandemic ... very good security protocols ... I would recommend them to others. Thank you and much success in your work!

  • Christopher Alicea

    Christopher Alicea


    The best in all Puerto Rico and bayamon area !!! Great service.

  • JonJonPR35 PS4

    JonJonPR35 PS4


    Very grateful for the treatment received by the Alternative Funeral Home in a difficult and sensitive process. Very professional, flexible and understanding. Glad to have chosen them to watch over my father and put him to rest for eternal peace. They have many resources and knowledge of more than 20 years at their disposal so that the process is easy and simple. Call them and you won't be disappointed

  • Ross Rosario

    Ross Rosario


    Excellent professional service, completely spiritual environment full of peace, love and understanding.

  • Brian Ortiz

    Brian Ortiz


    Excellent treatment, services and affordable prices. If you need a funeral home that treats you with the respect and sensitivity that one deserves in such a difficult time, look for Alternative.

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