Funeraria Cementerio y Cremaciones Monte Calvario i Caguas

Puerto RicoFuneraria Cementerio y Cremaciones Monte Calvario



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Carr 189 km 2.2, Caguas, 00725, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-743-2688
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2411961, Longitude: -66.0154615

kommentar 5

  • Brisa Simplememte

    Brisa Simplememte


    Despicable the way I was treated, I was greeted by "You can't come in" as I walked in the door that she opened. I understand Covid regulations and office policies. However... Customer service should be included for the price or as decency towards human beings. After I was allowed in I stated my concerns. They then addressed my concerns. Know that maintenance is simply watering the grass because Headstones are only cleaned with water. Be assured YOU will have to do any painting and headstone cleaning if you want to keep it nice. I tried calling from the parking lot there but was hung up on. Very disappointing :( You have 3 Females working there... she would be the only one sitting to the extreme left as you face the desks. .You Sir? Madame? since I don't know who I am addressing can simply ask about my visit earlier today. I have been calling not only from your parking lot but from the U.S. I should expect that this will be taken care of as I will be back and am not accustomed to rudeness from Anyone. Nor will I tolerate it. I have been in Customer Service and would be fired for such behavior but that is not my goal to get someone fired. Simply treat your customers with Courtesy..

  • Dee Vila

    Dee Vila


    Do you homework before using this business. I don’t recommend. I payed a service back in December 2019 and here we are 2020 and 3 phone calls still no service. Very disappointed. 6/01/2021 The business bureau will get in touch with you. Thank you for replying 8 month later

  • Rosanna Brown

    Rosanna Brown


    They did such a beautiful job on my mother. I was shocked when I returned a year and a half later to find they had done nothing more. We paid 10,000 dollars up front for tomb stone and other things we wanted and nothing was done. After talking to them they assured me they would get started in 6 months. 8 months later they assured me in 2 weeks they will start. It is now 3 weeks later and they will not answer my calls and have not started the work. We live in the States and are heartbroken 💔

  • DJ Diaz

    DJ Diaz


    The only maintenance you do when family members demand it and when I went to ask if they could make the person who answered me with attitude and rain excuses what was happening on the island. That same day there were people giving maintenance

  • Enid Miranda

    Enid Miranda


    Excellent service for my father as a veteran and gave him military honors.

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