Funeraria Ehret i San Juan

Puerto RicoFuneraria Ehret


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Calle Brema, 00927, San Juan, El Cinco, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-763-1030
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3894444, Longitude: -66.0647222

kommentar 5

  • Jaime Gonzalez

    Jaime Gonzalez


    It was not the first time I came yesterday. What happens that came from another route and then we passed. The three stars is for us as such. The funeral home, the spacious facilities and all in general terms are "A Plus" nothing is questioned "per se"

  • Edgardo Velez

    Edgardo Velez


    Sensitive, professional, respectful staff. It is like being with your family in the most meaningful moments. Such great treatment can not be forgotten.

  • Hector Velez

    Hector Velez


    My mother in 2007 and my father just 3 months ago were treated with utmost professionalism, punctuality and much dignity by the Ehret staff. We were satisfied.

  • Juan A Rodriguez Velazquez

    Juan A Rodriguez Velazquez


    Accessible and central location. Ample chapels and ample parking.

  • Eliana Castro

    Eliana Castro


    Very good service. The employees make you feel calm with their excellent attention and full of peace. Mariela, the lady who attends the florist is spectacular. I totally recommend them.

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