Gourmet Business Solutions Group Inc. i San Juan

Puerto RicoGourmet Business Solutions Group Inc.



🕗 åbningstider

1462, Avenida Francisco Paz Granela, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-545-4546
internet side: www.gbsonlinestore.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.380523, Longitude: -66.101119

kommentar 5

  • Eli Méndez

    Eli Méndez


    Excellent selection of coffee products and accessories. Ghirardelli is their specialty. Coffee barista is unmatched anywhere.

  • Rosa Lugo

    Rosa Lugo


    Chocolate and coffee lovers may find this store like a "toys R us" version. Although it is a small store, the customer service is big enough. Coffee shop owners or choco-coffee business owners need to include this place in their list. Coffee-Chocolate related items avalable and affordable.

  • Gabriela Gonzalez

    Gabriela Gonzalez


    This store has a wide variety of products! Anything you need for your coffee shop is right here. Very enthusiastic employees and if you just want to stop by for coffee you can also do that. You can be sure that you'll get some quality coffee since they use their own high quality products. Other than ordering the classic latte or espresso shot they also have a wide variety of flavors and coffee fraps available.

  • David Martinez

    David Martinez


    I buy a mango smoothie and it was great

  • urayoan adorno

    urayoan adorno


    Everything for your business and great service

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