Hacienda San Pedro i San Juan

Puerto RicoHacienda San Pedro



🕗 åbningstider

318, Calle De Diego, 00923, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-433-0091
internet side: www.cafehsp.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4468013, Longitude: -66.0678682

kommentar 5

  • Tony Valentin

    Tony Valentin


    Excellent place & very good coffee

  • Mark Diefenbach

    Mark Diefenbach


    Always a great cup of coffee and excellent food! The service is top notch and excellent environment, Donovan is a true asset to your company always very welcoming and warm.

  • Alisa El Lakkis

    Alisa El Lakkis


    Great coffee!! Loved the Ham & Cheese Croissant

  • Matt Watier

    Matt Watier


    Excellent cappuccino. Sweat robust start with a brûlée vanilla finish. Leaves a bitter taste on the lips but ends clear with a subtle mouth feel.

  • Frank Ruiz

    Frank Ruiz


    The coffee is decent, I can find better coffee in Santurce, just a couple of blocks away. I asked why they didn't have beans for sale, only ground coffee, and the attendant told me a long story to try to explain it, it didn't really make any sense. Either way, I would prefer to go somewhere else if I am looking for the best cup of coffee around. That being said, it is a nice place to sit down and have a chat or maybe do some work. They were remodeling the outside seating area so I'm sure it'll be better. Prices are low and the cafe is clean and inviting.

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