Hacienda San Pedro Coffee Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoHacienda San Pedro Coffee Shop



🕗 åbningstider

318, Avenida José de Diego, 00921, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-828-2083
internet side: www.cafehsp.com
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Latitude: 18.4469266, Longitude: -66.0678724

kommentar 5

  • es

    Ellis Edward Rodríguez


    Excelente lugar para pasar un buen rato con la familia y amigos.

  • es

    Jaime Torres


    Está en mis top coffe shops de Santurce,clase media y hipsters frecuentan el lugar, el café es tremendo,desearía que las porciones de las comidas fuera aumentado

  • es

    Jacqueline Diaz


    Es la 1era vez pero lo q veo x ahora me gusta.

  • en

    Miriam Marti


    Oh boy!!! This is pure and real puertorrican coffee!!! The taste is superb and prepared by people that really know how it's done!! The only other thing I've had there are the brownies, and thank God I don't live nearby, because you can't get enough of them! They're great!!!

  • Sasha Gee

    Sasha Gee


    Took forever to get my lattes. I bought a bag of coffee to brew my own at home. The beans weren't great... they don't date stamp their bags so I have no idea when the beans were roasted but overall this coffee wasn't good at all.

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