Konitos by La Bodeguita i San Juan

Puerto RicoKonitos by La Bodeguita



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Avenida San Patricio, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-617-9995
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Latitude: 18.4006077, Longitude: -66.0984546

kommentar 5

  • Felix Medina

    Felix Medina


    Very nice place. Excellent service and friendly people.

  • en

    Jonathan Collazo


    Great food and ambiance. Highly recommended.

  • es

    bill cartagena


    Servicio pésimo comida horrible no hay parking tragos super carros.

  • Fabiel Lozada

    Fabiel Lozada


    The food is good and priced fairly but the service is very poor. Servers don't even try to express themselves correctly, simple food like Fish Tacos take a long time and if you don't specify how much you want to tip, they go to the highest suggesed number on the bill. Been here two times, not worthy of another try.

  • Emilio Almonte

    Emilio Almonte


    A small establishment to spend to enjoy with friends. the service is great. the dish I ordered, its temperature was not the best, I give it another chance.

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