Kudough's Donuts & Coffee Bar i San Juan

Puerto RicoKudough's Donuts & Coffee Bar



🕗 åbningstider

1503, Calle Loíza, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-995-7060
internet side: kudoughsdonutscoffeebar.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4521735, Longitude: -66.0634368

kommentar 5

  • Jennifer Geisheker

    Jennifer Geisheker


    Was here in February 2019. The Guava y Queso donut was my favorite. Made it here twice during my 3 days in San Juan. Great vibe and staff. Good coffee.

  • Sree Sreenivasan

    Sree Sreenivasan


    Amazing doughnuts and more store in a great location, minutes from the beach. Grab one of their signature doughnuts 🍩 and head to the beach. Lots of unusual flavors and combinations available. They also have other breakfast-type items. Be sure to try it out!

  • Loreta Costa PhD

    Loreta Costa PhD


    $10.04 for two glazed donuts 😱 The donas from the supermarket are just as good. Nothing special, kind of appalling the prices they charge.

  • lili clove

    lili clove


    Soooooooo overpriced and expensive kind of crazy how much they charge for doughnuts .... with that being said I guess if your a doughnut enthusiast...

  • Raul Hernandez

    Raul Hernandez


    Today we went to Kudough’s and got three glazed donuts. The donuts were incredibly tasty! Not only were the donuts extremely good, but also the service and friendliness of the staff. A great overall experience, I fully recommend.

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