La Casa De Los Tornillos i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Casa De Los Tornillos



🕗 åbningstider

1208, Avenue Central, 00921, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-783-0262
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4039325, Longitude: -66.0851924

kommentar 5

  • Mickey Ruiz

    Mickey Ruiz


    Great service with very knowledgeable employees!

  • Madelyn Sanchez

    Madelyn Sanchez


    It's organized, friendly and helpful employees. They have a wide variety of screws, bolts and tools. Just wished they had more parking spots for the amount of business they receive.

  • anazario2000



    Good store, employees know their craft, you can go and they will take good care of you

  • en

    Narses Rodriguez


    All you have to do is pick a number. When your number is called (about 5 to 10 min. ), you show or ask the clerk what your looking for and, "wha-lah" you got. Done, finished, out of here.

  • en

    Humberto Rodriguez


    Good service and always they try to help you.

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