La Familia Casa de Empeño y Joyería & Préstamos de Título de Auto CA2 i Carolina

Puerto RicoLa Familia Casa de Empeño y Joyería & Préstamos de Título de Auto CA2



🕗 åbningstider

Los Colobos Shopping Center, Carr #3 KM 5.2, Carolina, 00983, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-337-9601
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3760544, Longitude: -65.9198924

kommentar 5

  • Brenda Collazo

    Brenda Collazo


    I went to pay interest and a lay away To my surprise, I was told I had to pay interest for April and May, when we could not leave the house and no one was at the pawn Is this the pawns policy? Due to that fact, I cancelled 1 lay away and kept one Paid interest

  • Genesis Albaladejo

    Genesis Albaladejo


    Maria is the one of the best employees that are the best in The Familia thanks she is always caring and good person with each and other of her clients even do she remember my birthday Who this that? That right her she is special person.

  • Christopher Diaz Murphy

    Christopher Diaz Murphy


    Leo treated me very well and the prices were great

  • Jennipher Ponce de león

    Jennipher Ponce de león


    Great service, very generous people. Thank you for you're service!




    Yanira was excellent. Had a great experience with my purchase. Very friendly and helpful.

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