La Social i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Social



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64 Calle Condado, San Juan, 00907, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-399-8855
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.454515, Longitude: -66.072814

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Silverman


    This place is insanely good. Their food is amazing. Great vibe. Their postres are Godlike. Come here and be happy.

  • en

    A Cords


    Walk into this awesome restaurant and you are suddenly in a relaxing beautiful space. The service is great, the food is awesome , the ambiance is incredible, and do not look at the amazing deserts (just kidding), or you will be here forever !! The deserts are amazing. Enjoy the mimosas and dont be in a rush. Your hosts are really nice. Really a gem !!

  • Jeffrey Jenkins

    Jeffrey Jenkins


    Beautiful ambiance. Wonderful food and service.

  • en

    D Manning


    Food was on point! Beautiful setting down to the restroom! Food presentation was flawless and good. We enjoyed it! Customer service was great.

  • en

    Lucilla Feliciano


    Great breakfast, lunch, and brunch options. The desserts and pastries are made by Ivan and David. The Quality of Service and Food is excellent. I recommend the Greek Yogurt Pancakes, Veggie Omelette, and any of their cakes, cookies, and coffee to eat at the location or to go. It's walking distance from the hotels that are on Ashford Avenue. If you can't find an item you like on the menu, they will be more than happy to accommodate your needs.

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