Laboratorio CorePlus Servicios Clínicos y Patológicos i Carolina

Puerto RicoLaboratorio CorePlus Servicios Clínicos y Patológicos



🕗 åbningstider

Puerto Rico 190, 00983, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 855-711-2673
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4165048, Longitude: -65.9830393

kommentar 5

  • Carlos M Quinones

    Carlos M Quinones


    This laboratory has been consolidated to offer a unique experience that many should imitate as a good practice of doing business. Everything flows in order and there is excellent coordination throughout the work team. Finally, something in Puerto Rico works as it should to solve a great need. I congratulate you and I will send you many referrals. C. Quiñones San Juan PR

  • Dinorah Rodriguez

    Dinorah Rodriguez


    Very good service, very kind to customers.

  • Luigi D, Guizzettixx

    Luigi D, Guizzettixx


    FAST IN & OUT 👌🏼

  • Emanuel Zayas

    Emanuel Zayas


    For tests of Cov 19 very good dynamics

  • Lily Soto

    Lily Soto


    It's a shame that one of your employees damages the good service that other employees provide. This employee is male and is in customer service "answering calls". You answer in a bad way and your language is inappropriate for your answers. They do not answer the calls and if you call continuously they hang up the call. It does not provide good service. As a patient it makes you feel the worst.

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