Library Dr. Pilar Barbosa at UAGM Bayamon i Bayamón, 00961

Puerto RicoLibrary Dr. Pilar Barbosa at UAGM Bayamon



🕗 åbningstider

Avenida Ramón Luis Rivera, 00961, Bayamón, 00961, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-288-1100
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3999132, Longitude: -66.1589085

kommentar 5

  • Maria Russe

    Maria Russe


    I liked what they have done with the space. The only thing is that both employees and students should practice SILENCE if in a library because the times I have gone if it were not for the NOISE-CANCELLING HEADPHONE that I was wearing I would not have been able to study.

  • Patsy Comeré

    Patsy Comeré


    The Library is spectacular ... With some magnificent schedules. If I would like the schedule of the children's room to be extended. THANKS.

  • Suaih Morales

    Suaih Morales


    All employees are friendly except for the one in charge of the children's area. I understand that you lack kindness towards the children and parents who go to the children's room. Except for this it is an excellent place for any student.

  • Jeannieli Soto

    Jeannieli Soto


    Everyone is nice the receptionist even better but do bring a jacket as well as winter glove.. that's how cold it is. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Everyone!

  • Sean Gilstorf

    Sean Gilstorf


    Great libary just bring a jacket with you, it feel like winter in new York.

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