Librería Laberinto Viejo San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoLibrería Laberinto Viejo San Juan



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251, Calle De La Cruz, 00901, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-8200
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4646649, Longitude: -66.116087

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Rodriguez


    Great selection of books and very helpful staff. Competitive prices when compared to Amazon. Great selection on children books and a nice location. No parking as like every shop located in old San Juan.

  • Brian Caball

    Brian Caball


    Staff was very accommodating in helping me find a local book in English to read on my travels. Ended up choosing a book on Puerto Rican tales and found a lovely spot in the old city wall to read it!

  • Jose Guillermo Montoyo-Rosario

    Jose Guillermo Montoyo-Rosario


    Was walking through OSJ and was delighted to find a book store. The day I went the owners were there and joined in conversation about the bookstore and layout. They have a huge selection of Puerto Rican books and authors to my delight. They were patient enough with my questions and preferences as they kept giving book recommendations. This bookstore also has new contemporary books and authors. In a time where book stores are rare, I was overjoyed to find one; the knowledgeable and approachable owners were an added bonus to this gem.

  • Catherine Hulshof

    Catherine Hulshof


    This is THE bookstore in Puerto Rico. A great selection of both English and Spanish books, bestsellers, classics, out of print, and Latin American and Puerto Rican authors. The prices are not cheap but supporting local never is. By shopping here you know you're making a difference.

  • Mary Evelyn

    Mary Evelyn


    I'm a book collector and Librería Laberinto was everything. I kind of stumbled upon this bookstore by accident but best mistake ever. I walked out with several wonderful books and three lovely bookmarks. I collect those, too. Great lil gem of a bookstore! There's only a few English language editions in here but I want ALL the books!! As you can see, I purchased a fabulous edition of Jane Austen's SENSE and SENSIBILITY. Love it! Reasonably priced books. Friendly, helpful staff. Excellent.

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