Libros AC i San Juan

Puerto RicoLibros AC



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1510, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00923, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-998-5132
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Latitude: 18.445359, Longitude: -66.067565

kommentar 5

  • Jossie Rivera

    Jossie Rivera


    I love Libros AC's vibe and atmosphere. The coffee is great and the lunch specials are delicious. They offer different specials every day. I love their book selection. You can easily spend hours here is you love books and a laid back and casual setting with amazing and friendly staff.

  • R Pol

    R Pol


    I like this place. Only being here for lunch 3 times this year. Nice, comfortable and cozy place. Lunch special is ok, not great but could be b/c of the hurricane situation. Today was too salty. Two yrs ago had no complaint on the taste. Maybe is a different chef. Now the coffee! The coffee was terrible. I don't know why is bad, twice have been watery or too much milk, looks like using powder milk or they don't take care on doing it. This time I had to skip the coffee, this could be a great place to get excellent coffee and relax.

  • Silvette Mayorquin

    Silvette Mayorquin


    They have a piano, that's my favorite thing of this place and the books of course. Coffee is good too. They have food and something like a bar. Clean restrooms and a nice environment. Perfect spot to chill and look for awesome books.

  • Mainon Schwartz

    Mainon Schwartz


    Bookstore/bar/cafe that does all things well. The book selection is carefully curated with an emphasis on beautiful books on curved bookshelves. Food is tasty but drink selection is average.

  • Local PR Guide

    Local PR Guide


    Libros AC offers a unique pleasant home experience and their staff is very friendly and strong book fanatics. This small and elegant book store offers different coffee blends, unique small cooking cuisine with a variety of imported bottle beers and home made deserts. It's a great area for students or if your in the search to drink beer and relax with friends this is the place.

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