Little Caesars Pizza - Cayey i Cayey

Puerto RicoLittle Caesars Pizza - Cayey



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PEREZ HARMANOS PLAZA, Cayey, 00737, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-732-7272
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.11824, Longitude: -66.141941

kommentar 5

  • Hiram Vega

    Hiram Vega


    Love that place.

  • Artesanias Tull

    Artesanias Tull


    Only pick up, due to Covid-19

  • Maricarmen Mercado

    Maricarmen Mercado


    Little Caesars Pizza - Cayey is simply Delicious, for many years they keep the great service and quality. Just try it and enjoy it!

  • SA00ll Telegram

    SA00ll Telegram


    Whole lot of pizza for the best price. Do not buy the five dollar pies on the side of the road unless you can not stop by here. Bread sticks and stuffed cheese bread is always a good meal too.

  • Shannon Gonzalez

    Shannon Gonzalez


    So happy to have had familiar food while visiting the island. Food was great, as expected. Found it very interesting that we saw more Little Caesar's restaurants in the island than I know of in our entire state.

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