Manolin Funeral Home i Las Piedras

Puerto RicoManolin Funeral Home



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Calle José Celso Barbosa, 00771, Las Piedras, Montones, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-733-4444
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.184913, Longitude: -65.8724247

kommentar 5

  • Ivette Cordon

    Ivette Cordon


    I would like to deeply appreciate Manolin Funeral Home and their personnel for the excellent service we received during the memorial service for my father. Although the circumstances at this moment are hard because of the COVID-19, we were treated with respect and compassion. Thank you so much from The Soto Rosario Family. Well Done!

  • Nia Hernandez

    Nia Hernandez


    Although my mother's service was nice, I am disappointed with the turn around time of the DVD. A beautiful video montage played and DVD was promised to be mailed to me. My mother's service was in November and still no DVD. I've asked repeatedly for it and have gotten nothing but hollow promises. Recently I was told it was mailed. Guess "it got lost" in transit. My brother and mom's grandchildren didn't get to go to the service. That DVD would have been nice for them to see and keep as a remembrance. I don't have much family left in Puerto Rico. Hopefully, when the time comes, we can be spared this disappointment.

  • Wilma Hernandez

    Wilma Hernandez


    First Funeral Home. Excellent service, for those who are outside of PR or far can see the wake and be present, thanks to technology. It looks like a Hotel. And the excellent service.

  • Janira Giraud

    Janira Giraud


    Manolin did my grandfather's funeral and it was beautiful. They even include a cafeteria offering: hot chocolate , coffee, and chicken broth. My family was treated with so muh respect and he made the process run smooth. Manolin funeral home has to be one of the best and state of the art in Puerto Rico. They even have a theatre for Children.

  • Gladys Rosario

    Gladys Rosario


    So much so that all family vigils have been held at the Funeral Home. We are super grateful for the excellent services of Don Manolin and fam. I recommend these companies to everyone. Super Excellent, for those who are economically well and for those who are not. They make arrangements according to your need and more.

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