Medina Auto Kia i Caguas

Puerto RicoMedina Auto Kia



🕗 åbningstider

Carr. Núm. 1, Km.29.7, 00725, Caguas, Río Cañas, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-747-4444
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2834719, Longitude: -66.0435363

kommentar 5

  • AnGeL DAnNyXx

    AnGeL DAnNyXx


    Excellent and Fast service.

  • John Feliciano

    John Feliciano


    Good service




    Me tratan bien, son muy atentos. Soy cliente de ellos.Les compré una guagua Rove y ya se la salde. Si me hacen buen negocio, les compro de nuevo. Gracias.

  • Juan De Jesús

    Juan De Jesús



  • en

    Anna Pantzos Savage


    Do not purchase a vehicle from this dealership!!! They are a corrupt business. I was sold a car with no spare tire and I wasn't advised that it was missing. When I found out I didn't have one i immediately called them and I've been getting the run around for 2 months. They claimed to have been calling to see about getting me one all that time. However, when I got fed up I called myself and found it on my 3rd call. I let them know whete to get it and they said they would bring it to the dealership and that was 2 weeks ago. They are nothing but a bunch of liars. Poor customer service from management to sales people. All they care about is selling the car and getting paid. Any issues after that is on the customer. Do not give these people your business!!! Do your research and purchase elsewhere!!

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