Melao Coffee Shop i Ponce

Puerto RicoMelao Coffee Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Reina, Esquina Méndez Vigo y, Unión, Ponce 00730, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-813-5050 ext. 7502
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.0122395, Longitude: -66.6147409

kommentar 5

  • William Johnston

    William Johnston


    Fantastic place to go for breakfast or lunch. It's not just a coffee shop, but also has a good lunch menu including sandwiches, burgers, wraps, soups and salads. It also has a kids menu. The menu is in English, so it's easy to read if you're a tourist. The atmosphere is great and friendly. If you're visiting Ponce, I would definitely recommend you go there.

  • es

    Pedro Ramos


    Excelente lugar perooo muy caro en especial los jugos 😁

  • Migdalia Cosme Colon

    Migdalia Cosme Colon


    Great place to stop while at Ponce Plaza de las Delicias, Ponce, Puerto Rico. Great coffee and bistro, very nice staff. Love it! Will stop by again and again.

  • Efrain Mercado

    Efrain Mercado


    Excelente lugar para desayunar o para un "brunch". Comida abundante, de calidad y a buen precio. Café excelente.

  • Jorge Pérez-Renta

    Jorge Pérez-Renta


    Food and coffee are awesome. Best freshly-squeezed orange juice I've had in years!!!

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