Metropol Restaurant Hato Rey i San Juan

Puerto RicoMetropol Restaurant Hato Rey



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244, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-751-4022
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4218094, Longitude: -66.063661

kommentar 5

  • Luis Amadeo

    Luis Amadeo


    Food is mostly good but not great. Several dishes were unavailable. Service is okay but somewhat slow and the servers will let you know why. They are doing more than they can handle because some employees are not showing up as they prefer to collect unemployment benefits. I think the owners should limit tables to those that servers can handle. I'm sorry that servers are overworked but I rather get good service without hearing the stories about why that's not the case.

  • Haydee Torres

    Haydee Torres


    The food was delish and the drinks were great. The metropol rice outstanding!

  • Chastity Varela

    Chastity Varela


    The service was top notch, our waiter Jaime was so patience and understanding with us.

  • Adriana Arcila

    Adriana Arcila


    Terrible. It took one hour to receive a cold lunch that was incomplete. Cheese balls were done in old fried oil without the guava sauce. Quick to charge but incomplete and low quality food. Very deteriorated. Used to be one of my favorites.

  • Hector Aviles

    Hector Aviles


    This used to be a great place until recently. Last two visits have been bad and worst. The place is clean, even the menu is torn down. Service is poor. Last time we were Sar at a dirty table and the menu had grease on it. We walked out without ordering.

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