Museo de Arte de Ponce i Ponce

Puerto RicoMuseo de Arte de Ponce



🕗 åbningstider

2325 Boulevard Luis A. Ferré Aguayo, Ponce, 00717, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-840-1510
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.0037006, Longitude: -66.6169078

kommentar 5

  • Rosemary Bramante

    Rosemary Bramante


    This museum gets excellent special exhibits in return for lending out the Flaming June. I had the pleasure of seeing the Fricke special exhibit. Definitely worth a visit to Ponce while on the island. Also, the coffee shop makes delicious lattes.

  • Hector Rivera

    Hector Rivera


    Very organize to take students. Friendly and knowledge staff. Nice place to visit.

  • mar col

    mar col


    Great collection. Go with plenty of time. What a pleasant surprise...hope to go back soon. Muy orgullosa de este museo Ponceño!!

  • Jose Miranda

    Jose Miranda


    It's impossible to see everything in one visit. I'm coming back! It has an exquisite variety of paintings and sculptures, including several collections of local classic and contemporary artists. It's a must see for the people coming to Puerto Rico.

  • en

    Jessamine Hernandez Muniz


    a small place compare to ones in USA, but it have a nice collection that you can enjoy and learn from it. If you are lucky you can have a tour and is easier to see it all, ask question and later alone enjoy it better with the information. It has wounderfull areas to enjoy nature and relax. I recomend the visit.

nærmeste Museum

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