Neo Japan Games 167 i Bayamón

Puerto RicoNeo Japan Games 167



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Calle Marginal 167 Bayamon Flamingo Terrace A-5, Bayamón, 00957, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-430-0429
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.3733046, Longitude: -66.179305

kommentar 5

  • es

    Sharon Soto


    Te atienden con cordialidad, variedad de juegos y te ayudan a escoger un buen juego tanto para los grandes como los más pequeños. Hay días que tienen ofertas.

  • es

    nel ofa


    Tremenda variedad. Buen servicio. Buenos precios

  • Deric Torres

    Deric Torres


    I'm happy that this store is open, if you're a video game collector, you'll find a bunch of neat stuff in there, only they kind of put high prices on several collecting products, but nothing you couldn't with e-bay.

  • es

    Luis E. Batista Diaz


    Increíble variedad de juegos, consolas y guías desde Atari hasta lo actual. Recomiendo altamente Neo Japan Games!

  • Elias Santiago

    Elias Santiago


    Best place in the north area for getting video games and collecting classic games and consoles. Some very rare to obtain games and consoles are even for sale here! If you are looking for vintage video games (or from the gaming circles) you will most probably find it here!

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