North Shore Aviation i San Juan

Puerto RicoNorth Shore Aviation


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Isla Grande, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4580783, Longitude: -66.0965405

kommentar 2

  • Ashley Nicole Mercado

    Ashley Nicole Mercado


  • Jose R. Lopez

    Jose R. Lopez


    I feel I'll give him a 3 1/2 star rating but 4 is too high for me. Hey I just need to be honest with myself. Plus I came back and changed my first review to give him a better rating from before but I have my reasons why and they are noted below. I came here on a promotion from Gustazo in Feb 2017. It was for a 30/45 minute tour over the north end of PR/Old San Juan area. To be honest the promotion also stated that one person from the promotion buyer will hold the wheel after your up in the air. Plus a picture with the plane comes as part of this package. This is what we got, I think the air time was about 20 minutes or less and the wait time before take off was like 10 minutes or more. So if you add them up, you get about a 30/35 minute tour. Oh yeah, I never got to hold the wheel in the air but I did when my wife took a picture when it was parked on the ground before takeoff. After a few weeks of texting/leaving voice messages/emailing, I was able to get a email with my pictures that I thought I wasn't going to ever see. The wait time was frustrating and no reason why he took that long to reply back. Bottom line, if you come here, make sure all is clear about what the promotion says if it's a Gustazo, before you even start your tour to make sure you're all on the same page. The tour I do recommend, it's nice from up there looking down and seeing Old San Juan and the metro coast line from a birds eye view. Take your own photos and videos if you want to save your memories.

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